
The Problem with the DomainDataSource

WARNING: This post is not meant to be documentation on the DomainDataSource. Just a stream of consciousness mini-rant on DomainDataSource posted here because the 140 characters that Twitter limits me to was too few.

Jeff Handley has a poll going on the DomainDataSource. Please check it out and give an answer.

Since the question is on the table, I decided to put together my own thoughts on the subject. I have not been shy to state that I simply do not use the DomainDataSource. Personally, I find it clunky and not nearly as refined as the rest of RIA Services. It also does not work well with my ViewModel. I think what Jeff is trying to figure out though is why that is. I can say it is clunky, we can all say it doesn’t feel right, but can we put our finger on what the problem is?

I think the fundamental problem with the DomainDataSource is that it is not extensible at all. It is a completely sealed black box and there is very little way for us to extend it. This isn’t nearly as refined and elegant as the rest of RIA Services, such as the DomainContext which uses an EntityContainer to store all of the EntityLists and the DomainClient to talk to the server. If we want we want RIA Services to talk to the server using a port with everything under ROT13 encryption we can do that, we just have to create our own DomainClient that does that and tell the DomainContext to use it. We can’t do anything like that with the DomainDataSource. It just sits there in the XAML talking directly to our DomainContext and cutting our code completely out of the loop.

What makes the DDS really annoying though is that the really useful paging code is locked inside it and its internal lackey the EntityCollectionView. I still live in hope that this will be fixed and that we will get a back end object that can generate the paging queries.

So, what is the DomainDataSource doing exactly (this is not meant to be a full list)?

  1. Declarative access to DomainContext status (IsBusy, IsLoading, IsSubmittingChanges, etc.)
  2. Paging display attributes (PageSize)
  3. AutoLoad (which is data access logic)
  4. Paging load attributes (LoadSize) (data access logic)
  5. Setting the query name
  6. Setting the query attributes
  7. Submit changes

I would have to say that from a MVVM perspective, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all problematic to me. The UI shouldn’t be worrying about the name of the query, how many records are being loaded outside of the PageSize, and I don’t think the UI should know what of its bound values are being used to filter queries. Letting the UI call directly to the DomainContext to SubmitChanges is also a big problem for me.  I do like the idea of a UI object that can allow binding of DomainContext statuses such as IsLoading and setting page size is a definite UI job.

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